Beauchêne space factory

During humanity’s first forays into space, scientists discovered a new material on a nearby asteroid belt. After many scientific studies were conducted, people learned that it had anti-aging properties. Michel Beauchêne seized the opportunity to use it to develop a business to mine, process, and distribute a revolutionary line of cosmetics that became beloved all over the globe.

These cosmetics are largely developed in a factory stationed in space that takes advantage of the microgravity of the unique environment. Fully automated, it receives regular shipments of materials from the spaceport near the asteroid belt where the mining takes place, processes them in a clean environment, and ships the goods down to the planet for final inspection. To maintain the facility, Beauchêne will occasionally send crew for inspections. The crew assigned to this task are required to take a health checkup prior to embarking on their flight.

This is part of the Beauchêne universe.
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